My Hike Back to Happiness


“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” -Viktor Frankl

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I truly think this is my favorite quote ever. And I really believe it to be true. It is a freedom to have control over your thoughts and reactions and only the mind can strip you of that freedom. I first came across Viktor Frankl quotes and ideas from the author John C. Maxwell right around the turn of the century when I was finishing up high school. Somehow I just felt like these ideas clicked with me.

I felt that I was adept at being able to choose my own attitude until one day I found myself deep into a life circumstance of emotional abuse I had never experienced and was unable to comprehend. The idea that I am in control of my attitude and actions didn't feel so natural or reachable and my spirit took a beating. I saw how my own actions had brought me to that point but somehow convinced myself that I deserved it.

Over the last few years, and especially in 2019, I am finally once again holding the idea that I am responsible for my own happiness. And it’s exhilarating. 

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So many good things happened this last year and I think it’s fair to say that the main variable of change that made this year different was my mind. That change in my mind got me making healthy habits and my sights up on higher targets. It got me around positive people, listening to motivating podcasts and daily pushing myself to get out and do something new and challenging. In the end it was the decision to believe that I myself have to take responsibility for my happiness.


Today I had set out to post these self portrait photos I did this year, but rather than talking about how I made the photos, or showing before-after examples, I find myself thinking bigger. 2019 has been a great year because it hasn’t been only about creating great photos. It’s been about a choice to be mind-drillingly optimistic and get out everyday and DO. This year I have managed to meet dozens of others who are doing the same thing. And thanks to them I feel the roof on my belief of what I am able to attain has been pushed up.

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Putting the first steps forward to create my own positive energy this last year has given me back the same in tenfold. If you were there for me in any way in 2019, I just want to say thank you.

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